De Lift

De Lift also known as The Lift and The Elevator is a 1983 film by Dutch director Dick Maas about an intelligent and murderous elevator starting a killing spree on random people.

With Miekes help, Felix collects the archives of newspaper articles about Rising Sun, and they decide to meet up with the head of the company. Mieke disguises herself as a coworker and, with Felix, tries to get information on the manufacturing process of the microprocessors and their possible faulty behavior. The director of the company gets nervous and answers abruptly, making very little time for the interview.Felixs wife finds out about his spending time with Mieke and, fearing infidelity, angrily confronts him at dinner. Their argument is interrupted by a call from Mieke who invites Felix to meet with her former university professor who specializes in electronics. The professor explains microprocessors sensitivity to external factors, such as electric fields, magnetic fields, radioactivity, etc., which undermine the proper functionality and tells about a computer built years ago which had suddenly begun to selfprogram and went out of control. ........

Source: Wikipedia